
  • T1320 CO? gas analyzer (non-dispersive infrared method)

    The T1320 carbon dioxide (CO?) analyzer uses the gas filter-related infrared absorption method to measure low-concentration carbon dioxide (CO?) according to Lamber-Beer\'s law through the absorption of the instrument\'s infrared signal in the sample gas and reference gas respectively. CO?).

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  • GC500 Atmospheric greenhouse gas monitoring system (DID chromatography)

    The GC500 atmospheric greenhouse gas monitoring system relies on the online gas chromatography technology of Belgium ORTHODYNE S.A. and uses a discharge ionization detector (DID) to monitor trace amounts of greenhouse gases and pollutant gases CO?, CH?, N?O, and CO in the ambient air.

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  • AQMS-GHG Atmospheric greenhouse gas online monitoring system (FID chromatography)

    The AQMS-GHG atmospheric greenhouse gas online monitoring system relies on the GC-FID technology of Belgium ORTHODYNE S.A. to monitor the concentration of trace greenhouse gases and pollutant gases in the ambient air, and complies with the national standard "Online Observation Method of Background Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Methane Concentration by Gas Chromatography" (GB/T 31705-2015).

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